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University Library DePaul Library

Publish your list

Publishing a list sends the list to the library for processing and also makes the list available to the students in the course. *

1. To publish a list, click My list is ready

2. You will automatically see a message stating that the reading list has been published, and you will see a pink Published status to the right of the list title. 

Anything you add to the list after publishing will be automatically sent to the library to be processed.

*After you add the course reserves module to D2L.

View list as student

As you build and arrange your list of resources, it is recommended that you review the reading list using the View list as a student option. This will ensure that notes, tags, links, and uploaded files are displayed correctly.

  1. To view your reading list as a student, go to the List Menu via the ellipsis located to the right of the reading list title, then select View list as a student.

Share links to items, sections, or your list

Shareable links can be used anywhere, but will expire at the end of your course. You can share links to:

  • An item in your course reserves list
  • a section of your course reserves list
  • or your course reserves list

You can use these links in emails to share with students enrolled in your course, other instructors, or library staff.

Click on the Share icon and click Copy sharable link.

Note: If you want to embed links in D2L that will remain active in future quarters, see: Add durable links to items, sections, or your list.

Check student engagement

Instructors can view information about how students engage with lists and items.

To view the student usage analytics select the Analytics icon.