Course reserves provide equitable and free access for students by using library-licensed or open access materials. This year, DePaul undergraduates are expected to spend $1104 on textbooks and course materials. When you use course reserves you help ease student's financial stress and ensure they have access to readings from the first day of class.
When you submit a course reserve request, the Library will:
Purchase unlimited access e-books or other e-resources if they are available for a library license.
Check whether the library has electronic access to an item and provide a stable link.
Provide access to film in streaming or physical formats.
Scan a chapter or article to add to your list.
Place a physical copy of required items on reserve at the John T. Richardson Library or Loop Library, when electronic access is not available.
For an introduction to course reserves, attend a training or drop-in Q&A hour.
Leganto is our new course reserves system which