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University Library DePaul Library

Add items to your list

You can add both library resources and external resources, such as print books, e-books, articles, streaming video, websites (YouTube videos, etc), and upload files. You can also request digitization of books and media items. The library will purchase books and videos added to your list that we do not already own when we’re able to. 

There are several ways to add these items to your list:

Search the Library

  1. To add resources from the library's collections, click +Add.
  2. Select Search the library to open LibrarySearch.
  3. You can search all of the library's physical and electronic collections, including print books, e-books, book chapters, articles, DVDs, and streaming video.
    • Search Options:
      • Search Everything
      • Book Search
      • Video Search
      • Full-text article Search
      • Newspapers
  4. Enter your search terms
  5. Press Enter. The search results are displayed.
    • Select Filter to filter your results by Type or Availability.
  6. Drag items to your list using the tab clipboard_e25f17b276d0effa03140dc7547a97a31.png or click + to add to your list or favorites. 
    • Select List or Favorites
    • Select the section to which you want the item added 
  7. Click Add to add the item, or select Add & Edit to edit the item details and add information for students. 

Add books and videos the library does not own

Instead of manually entering items, you can use the LibrarySearch to add items to your list that the library does not own.

  1. From the Book Search or Video Search, select the check box Expand to include items the library does not own.

  2. Press Enter. The search results are displayed.

  3. Click Add to add the item and the library will look for purchase options.

Upload files

You can upload your own files to your course reserves list. When uploading a file to your list, the Copyright information checkbox is mandatory. By checking this box, you agree that your use of the file complies with DePaul University’s copyright and fair use policy.

  1. To upload a document, click +Add and select Upload files.
  2. Drag and drop the file or select the file to upload. 
  3. Check Copyright information: Use of this resource complies with DePaul’s copyright policy
  4. Click Add to add the file to your list.


Add using DOI or ISBN

You can upload books and articles to your list if you know the ISBN of the book or the DOI of the article:

  1. Click +Add and select Add using DOI or ISBN.
  2. Select the identifier type you will be adding.
  3. Type in the string of numbers and click Next.
  4. The type and title of the book or article you are adding will auto-populate. Again, click Next.
  5. Ensure the citation information is correct and add or edit any information. Click Next.
  6. Click Add to add the item to your list. 

Cite it!

The Cite it! bookmarklet enables you to add items, such as websites, online articles and videos,* to your list while browsing the web.

You must be logged in to D2L/Leganto to use Cite it!  If you try to use Cite it! but you are not logged in, you will be prompted to log in.

* Cite it! is blocked on YouTube, Wiley, and Elsevier websites. A new browser extension is coming in Spring 2025.

Install Cite it!

To install Cite it! you must add it as a bookmark to your browser:

  1. Click on the Settings gear in the upper-right corner of Leganto and select Cite it! from the drop down menu.
  2. To install the bookmark, click and drag the Cite it! button into your bookmarks bar.

Add Items via Cite it!

Adding resources to your reading lists with Cite it! is quick and easy!

  1. Navigate to the online resource. 
  2. Click the Cite it! bookmarklet in your bookmark bar. A popup window will appear.
  3. Ensure the citation information is correct.
  4. Select the appropriate course reserves list and section, and click Add to add the item to your list.
  5. Refresh your list to see the added resource. 

Please note: if using Cite it!, be careful when adding things behind paywalls (like news articles) to your list that students may not have access to.

Manual entry

If you are unable to find an item in LibrarySearch or add it via Cite It!, you can manually enter the item details. 

  1. To manually enter an item, click +Add and select Manual entry
  2. Select Item type and enter the relevant citation information.
  3. Click Add.