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University Library DePaul Library

Create your list

From D2L, open the Course Reserves module.

You will see a screen with two options:

  • Create a New List
  • Duplicate an Existing List

Create a new list

  1. If you have not used Course Reserves previously or would like to create a new list from scratch, click Create a New List
  2. Edit the List name. It will automatically populate with the course title. We recommend naming your list:
    • Quarter Year Course Title
    • Example: Spring 2024 Jazz and Chicago
  3. Add a list description (optional.)
  4. Click Next
  5. Use the Organize list by drop-down menu to select one of two options to create sections for your list:
    • Default: one section called "Resources"
    • Weeks: 10 Weeks, e.g., "Week 1", "Week 2"

Duplicate an existing list*

  1. If you have used Course Reserves previously, you can find the last five years of your course reserves lists by clicking on Duplicate an Existing List.
  2. Click Duplicate List on the list you would like to copy.
  3. Edit the List name. It will automatically populate with "course title (duplicate)." We recommend removing "(duplicate)" and naming your list: 
    • Quarter Year Course Title
    • Example: Spring 2024 Jazz and Chicago
  4. Add a list description (optional.)
  5. Click Create List.

Connect a list with multiple courses

If you’re teaching multiple sections of the same course that will use the same list, connect one list to all of your D2L sections.*

Note: you will also need to add the Course Reserves module to your other sections’ D2L site.

  1. Click the ellipsis at the top of the list to see the List Menu and select Manage connection to course
  2. Click on Connect to course or select +Add another course and search for the relevant course by keyword or course code.
  3. Double check the dates and click Save to connect the list to the course.


*Do not connect a previous list to your current/upcoming course. Lists expire at the end of the quarter in which they were used so sharable links will not work and physical materials will not be available to your current course. Connect only current lists.