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Company Information (Law & Business)

Public Companies - Financial Statements

PUBLIC companies are REQUIRED by Law to file certain reports to the gov't including…

Annual Report  (Public Register's Annual Report Service allows access to some free information as does
Balance Sheet  - information on assets like goodwill, inventories, intangibles, accounts receivable, PP&E (property, plant & equipment...etc.) and liabilities like tax information, accounts payable, financing, etc.  
Income Statement - information on revenue, expenses, R&D, marketing and SG&A (sales and general expenses).  
Cash Flow Statement - information on operations, inventory, financing, investments. 

See & follow instructions below to find explanation of "Financial Statements":

  • Hover Over "Investing" Tab (at top left -  next to "Investopedia" logo)
  • Click on "Fundamental Analysis">Scroll down to "Key Terms"
  • Select "Fundamentals" (far right - smaller box link to "Fundamentals")
  • Under "Fundamentals" definition > Click on "Learn More"
  • Scroll Down to "Fundamentals in Business" 
  • Click on “Financial Statements” Tab
  • Additionally, Financial Footnotes (via Investopedia) provides explanations as to accounting practices and other information to explain various elements in their company financial statements.  

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