"Art Pushes Gentrification Discussion on Cherokee Street." St. Louis Public Radio, 19 Mar 2015, https://news.stlpublicradio.org/arts/2015-03-19/art-pushes-gentrification-discussion-on-cherokee-street#stream/0.
Babayan, Siran. "Tanya Aguiñiga: The Uplifter Creating Bridges Across the Border." L.A. Weekly, 13 Dec 2019, https://www.laweekly.com/tanya-aguiniga-the-uplifter-creating-bridges-across-the-border.
Rinehart, Lorissa. "Tapestries that Mend the Divides Between Mexico and the US." Hyperallergic, 11 Sept 2018, https://hyperallergic.com/458532/tapestries-that-mend-the-divides-between-mexico-and-the-us.
Voon, Claire. "Chicago Legend Candida Alvarez Finds Comfort—and Reprieve from Trauma—in Abstraction." ARTnews, 13 March 2020, https://www.artnews.com/art-news/artists/candida-alvarez-monique-meloche-interview-1202681003.
Álvarez Lezama, Manuel. “Ramón Miranda Beltrán.” Art Nexus, vol. 8, no. 72, Mar. 2009, pp. 128–130. Art Full Text, search.ebscohost.com/login.aspx?direct=true&db=aft&AN=505395892&site=ehost-live&scope=site. (requires DePaul login)
No articles available
Samet, Jennifer. "Beer with a Painter: Enrique Chagoya." Hyperallergic, 20 Aug 2016. https://hyperallergic.com/318318/beer-with-a-painter-enrique-chagoya.
Seligson, Susan. "CFA Hosts Enrique Chagoya." BU Today. 16 Nov 2011. http://www.bu.edu/articles/2011/cfa-hosts-enrique-chagoya.
Gilbert, Coral and Ricardo Frazer. Interview with Carlos Cortez. International Center for the Arts of the Americas at the Museum of Fine Arts, Houston: Documents of Latin American and Latino Art, 16 Dec 1994. https://icaa.mfah.org/s/en/item/840517#?c=&m=&s=&cv=&xywh=-1673%2C0%2C5895%2C3299.
Brachear, Manya A. "Carlos Cortez, 81."Chicago Tribune, 23 Jan 2005. https://www.chicagotribune.com/news/ct-xpm-2005-01-23-0501230040-story.html.
Behar, Ionit. "Interview with Karen Dana." The Visualist, Mar 2020. http://www.thevisualist.org/2020/03/karen-dana-off-hours-closing-reception.
Piña, Franky. "About the Artist: Nicolás de Jesús." Diálogo, vol. 23 no. 1, 2020, p. 143-156. Project MUSE, doi:10.1353/dlg.2020.0012. (requires DePaul login)
McQuaid, Cate. "RISD Business: Sassy Signs and Sculptures." Boston Globe, 22 Nov 2012, https://www.bostonglobe.com/arts/theater-art/2012/11/22/review-risd-business-sassy-signs-and-sculptures/iVQx2H90W9kt6YiQ9TBNWO/story.html.
Warren, Chris. "An Artistic Homecoming." San Antonio Magazine, 14 April 2015, https://www.sanantoniomag.com/an-artistic-homecoming.
Siddiqui, Yasmeen. "Reframing the American West Through Latinx Eyes." Hyperallergic, 21 Apr 2017. https://hyperallergic.com/374207/reframing-the-american-west-through-latinx-eyes.
"Salvador Dominguez: OPEN/ABIERTO." Chicago Gallery News. https://www.chicagogallerynews.com/events/salvador-dominguez.
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