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There is no globally agreed (shared) definition of homelessness, and even within countries the topic can be contentious. We know we can’t measure and solve a problem we can’t define, so developing a shared language on homelessness is a top priority. This is the first step toward informed, focused and measurable action to ending homelessness.

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There is a lack of urgency and high-level prioritization to end homelessness on local, national and international levels. Homelessness is coming to the forefront at the United Nations, thanks in large part to work by DePaul’s Institute of Global Homelessness and its partners, who have been advocating for the U.N. to address the issue in a more prominent way. The 58th Session of the Commission for Social Development (February 2020) priority theme was affordable housing and social protection systems for all to address homelessness

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There is a lack of global agencies with the time, expertise, and resources to consistently and effectively respond to the needs of regional and local leaders and track progress. IGH is the first organization to focus on homelessness as a global phenomenon with an emphasis on those who are living on the street or in emergency shelters.

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