Consider your research goals:
Here are some ways to avoid common pitfalls and sources of confusion when using library databases:
WHY? Both EBSCO and ProQuest platforms allow you to search simultaneously across multiple databases, covering a much wider selection of journals than when searching each database individually.
HOW? Open any EBSCO database (e.g. "Environment Complete") then click "Choose Databases" (located above search boxes):
WHICH EBSCO DATABASES? EBSCO databases covering environmental issues include (but are not limited to):
> Environment Complete
> GreenFILE
> Academic Search Complete
> Philosopher's Index
> America History & Life
HOW TO SEARCH ACROSS PROQUEST DATABASES? Open any ProQuest database then click the ≡ menu link (at top left), select "Change databases" and check boxes for appropriate databases (use descriptions provided to help you choose):