Industry overviews, industry surveys, environmental them what you will. These concise reports can provide a wealth of background detail and data.
Need an SIC or NAICS code in order to search for industry analysis? Instead of trying to look it up, do a company search for a company that, in your mind, represents that industry. For example, in order to determine the SIC code for coffee, do a company search for Starbucks. A company profile will typically include the relevant industry codes and links to corresponding industry reports. It's always good to note such industry codes as you encounter them--you'll have them when you need them!
Trade and professional association Websites are also valuable sources of market research and statistics. Do an advanced Google search combining industry keywords and "association" limited to the .org domain. Yes, some associations require a membership to access content, but many others provide free access. Look for anything labeled "research" or "media kit", for example.
IT is pervasive in the business world. Consult these databases if you are looking to research a tech company, a particular IT application or concept.