Histological specimens featuring many excellent plastic sections prepared by Aulikki Kokko-Cunningham, M.D. Over 1,000 histological features are labled and have accompanying functional descriptions.
See a 2014 Northwestern University News video on Chicago Wildsounds, a DePaul-affiliated Independent Soundscape project group, concerned with advancing the study of acoustic ecology.
Access to over 500,000 natural sound recordings across Indiana, Costa Rica, Bornea, and more, in a Purdue Univ database, plus thousands of contributed recordings from a 2014 Earth Day project.
A non-profit project by the Animal Fund; online text based on The World's Whales (1984), enhanced by additional photographs, video and audio clips for some species.
Use the search and filter tools to find biology-related videos, including documentaries, interviews, performances, news programs and newsreels, field recordings, commercials, and raw footage.