After you've selected your topic, come up with a research question, and done some background reading, you'll need to create a search strategy to find books and articles in databases. Database searching is different from searching Google - databases cannot interpret questions and phrases. It's necessary to build a search strategy to get the best results quickly.
1. Identify main concepts
Take your research question and pull out the main concepts. For the research question, Should college athletes be paid?, the main concepts are college athletes and paid.
2. List search terms
Next, list the terms you'll use for searching. For each main concept, come up with synonyms and related terms, both narrower and broader. (Hint: your mind map might come in handy here.) Here are some search terms for the key concepts above.
college |
athletes |
pay |
university |
players |
salary |
sports |
compensation |
football |
basketball |
3. Combine search terms with AND and OR
AND finds items containing both (or more) terms, narrowing your search. Use AND to combine your main concepts.
college AND athletes AND pay
OR finds items containing either term, broadening your search. Use OR to combine synonyms or related terms.
college OR university
If using both AND and OR, use ( ) to set apart concepts, like a math equation.
(college OR university) AND athletes AND (pay OR compensation)