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University Library DePaul Library

Edit Your Profile

Your DePaul Scholars profile has been pre-populated with information from several sources. To edit your profile after logging in:

  1. Click Edit profile under your image or person icon 
  2. Choose Metadata on the menu on the left
  3. Select the field you would like to change or remove.
    • Click Edit to make changes then click Update at the bottom of the pop-up window.
    • To remove a field, click the minus sign and Save at the bottom of the screen. 

Note, some fields are “locked” due to the sync process and cannot be edited. 

See below for details on specific profile elements:

Add or edit a photo

  1. In the Edit Profile section under Metadata, select Add image under the Profile Photo heading.
  2. In Add new image popup box, drag or upload image (please use only medium or high-resolution headshots for your profile picture, as low-resolution headshots are often blurry and pixelated).
  3. Select Portrait under Category.                                                                 
  4. Click the Save button in the Edit Profile window when changes are satisfactory.

Add titles, positions and qualifications

Selecting the Add Title button in the Edit Profile section allows the user to add titles after their name (Ph.D., Sc.D., M.D., etc.). Select the Save button in the Edit Profile window when changes are complete.

You can also add qualifications, licenses, directorial or external editorial positions.

Example: In the Edit Profile section, scroll down and select the Add External Position button. Type the organization’s name in the field for it to pull existing organizations. If the organization doesn’t appear, you may create a new organization by selecting the Create New option. External positions and additional qualifications are displayed below the profile in the public portal. Select Save in the Edit Profile window when changes are complete. 

Add an alternate name or nickname

  1. Under the Edit Profile section, select Add Name Variant.
  2. Use the dropdown menu to the appropriate variant type (i.e.: “known as” or “former name”). Click Create.
  3. Select the Save button in the Edit Profile window when changes are complete. 

Add personal website links

The Add Links button in the Edit Profile section allows users to add external website links which will be displayed under the user profile photo. The title of the website will appear as a tooltip as users hover their mouse over the globe icon.

  1. Enter the URL in the required field, and select the relevant Link type if relevant.
  2. After you have entered the website information, click Create and don't forget to select Save in the Edit Profile section when changes are complete. 

Add Profile Keywords/Research Interests/Disciplines

Profiles include a section where researchers can add keywords, like free tagging. These keywords are searchable and increase discoverability. They also display on your public profile.

To add keywords, visit the Edit Profile section, and scroll to the Keywords heading.
Select the Save button after adding keywords. 

You can add Research Interests and Disciplines under the Keywords section. Research Interests are meant to be displayed as keywords rather than paragraphs/sentences.