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Search for a Scholar

There are several ways you can identify scholars in particular areas of interest. 

  1. Broad searches on the homepage through text and concept matching options. Advanced searches return narrower and more targeted results.

  2. Browsing the list of scholars listed under specific Departments and Centers.

  3. Searching Profiles with specific text/concepts.

  4. Searching Scholarship with specific text/concepts.

Search from the Homepage

For the broadest results, start with a search on the homepage. This search will look at all the text included in Scholars, e.g, names, titles, descriptions, etc.

Matched Profiles, and other Content Types, can be accessed via the left pane.

Search Profiles

On the Profiles page, text or concept search to identify scholars working on specific areas of interest.

Search Departments and Centers

Alternatively, you can go to the Departments and Centers page and browse the list of scholars by school, department, or center.

Search Scholarship

In the Scholarship page, text or concept search to identify related publications and research output. From there, you can browse collaborators by selecting any of the linked co-author names within a given record.

Filter Results

Filters are dynamic and will change depending on the type of search. For example, when searching for scholarship, you can filter by discipline, type, open access, year, and collaborators.