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School violence is an interdisciplinary topic, so you may find useful articles in the criminology, sociology, education, and psychology literature.

Search these databases by keywords. Combine keywords with AND and use OR for synonyms or related terms.  For instance:

(juvenile OR youth) AND gangs

fighting AND ("family therapy" OR detention)

youth AND (shooting OR violence) AND prevention

A few tips:

  • Use " " if you are searching for a phrase, e.g. "juvenile justice" or "United States"
  • Use * to retrieve variations of words, e.g. delinqu* will retrieve delinquency or delinquent
  • Use broader or alternate terms, e.g. economics for costs; "law enforcement" for police
  • Put each concept on a different line/search box in the databases
  • Look for the "change databases" link above the search boxes to search multiple databases at once


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*Use Interlibrary Loan to obtain an electronic copy of any article we do not have online.