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Rinn Law Library Database List

Statute & Ordinance Research

While the major legal databases include up-to-date version of the statutes of every U.S. jurisdiction, county & municipal ordinances are not included. Ordinances are no less important for advising clients of their duties before the law, so it’s important to have access to these authorities. Links to the City of Chicago’s ordinances are included, as well as some of the major publishers of ordinances who host various municipalities’ laws online.

Federal Statutes

Illinois Statutes

Chicago Ordinances

Ordinance Publishers

Municipalities typically commission a commercial publisher to distribute their ordinances, which are made freely available on the web. These are the three main ordinance publishers, and you can browse or search for a municipality to find their codes of ordinances. Alternatively, you can search for a code of ordinances on the open web, in case the one you are looking for is not publishes by one of these