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Embedded Librarianship with the Asylum and Immigration Law Clinic

A commemoration to the success of embedded librarianship with the Asylum and Immigration Law Clinic.

Jack Gorman

Remembering the Success of an Embedded Librarian

In July of 2018, law librarian Jack Gorman began working closely with the students and staff attorneys of the Asylum and Immigration Clinic.

As Jack departs the law library to pursue a legal career, the practitioners in the Clinic share their fond farewells.

Sioban Albiol

I have had the good fortune of being able to work with Jack Gorman over the past several years.  He has contributed in so many ways to improving the experience of Asylum and Immigration Law Clinic students, alumni, faculty, staff and community partners.  He has a genuine interest in sharing his skills and expertise to help others and is creative and responsive in identifying ways in which he and the resources of the law library can have an impact and be of service to the public.  He prides himself on service. 

Jack's contributions in research and training have had long-lasting and far reaching effects.  He has helped law students, Clinic attorneys and legal staff of immigrant-serving nonprofits in finding legal authorities that impact access to immigrant benefits and protections.  He has provided information and tools for new advocates to effectively engage in research.  He as been a valued and trusted friend of the Clinic—engaging and highlighting our alumni, working as an embedded librarian to make himself more accessible to students, and ensuring that the information he shares is responsive, reliable and of high quality.  We have been lucky to have him.  He will be missed.

Sioban Albiol

Director, Asylum and Immigration Law Clinic  

Judge James R. Fujimoto: Every legal clinic should have someone like Jack Gorman on their team.  Few do.  We at the DePaul AILC have been extremely fortunate to have Jack's immense talents for the last six (6) years in so many different capacities.  I have had the opportunity to work with him on the AILC Basic Trainings series every January-March.  Each year Jack opened the training series with the subject of legal research.  This is a critically important topic since it provides the foundation for the materials covered in the course as well as their future application.  His presentations were always comprehensive but easily understandable and were enhanced through the use of such innovative tools as a

Judge James Fujimoto

Every legal clinic should have someone like Jack Gorman on their team.  Few do.  We at the DePaul AILC have been extremely fortunate to have Jack's immense talents for the last six (6) years in so many different capacities.  I have had the opportunity to work with him on the AILC Basic Trainings series every January-March.  Each year Jack opened the training series with the subject of legal research.  This is a critically important topic since it provides the foundation for the materials covered in the course as well as their future application.  His presentations were always comprehensive but easily understandable and were enhanced through the use of such innovative tools as a "Virtual Tour" of DePaul Law School’s Rinn Law Library, a "Sources of Immigration Law and their Interaction Flowchart", a "Legal Research and Analysis Flowchart", and a Resources Handout for our community-based organizations ("CBOs").

Jack will be greatly missed but his myriad contributions will always be greatly appreciated. Congratulations and best of luck, Counselor!

Judge James R. Fujimoto

Lucia Lopez

Farewell Jack,

Thank you for your dedicated and superior work! You are truly the best and DePaul will not be the same without you. I don't know who will save me when I can't find a foreign law from 1952. Happy you'll be shining your light and legal mind on the Seventh Circuit. Hope you get some great cases! Wishing you the very best in your legal career.

God Bless ~ Lucia Lopez, AILC Staff Attorney

Craig Mousin

Jack, your work introducing law alums to the DePaul Migration Collaborative and transforming their submissions into a wonderful record of the many contributions our alums have made to the rule of law and the welcome of the newcomer provided the perfect capstone of DMC’s inaugural year. As we were starting a new program, your imagination and initiative demonstrated the living legacy of the Vincentian educational mission that enables students to become national and international law leaders.  Thank you.  Thank you for always assisting me when I was stumped with a research question.  You will be missed.  May your new endeavors bring great fulfillment.  

Craig Mousin, Adjunct Professor and former University Ombuds.

Audra Blodgett

I worked with DePaul AILC for almost two years, during which time I had the pleasure of working with Jack.  His helpfulness to my research cannot be understated - Jack consistently showed me avenues for legal research that I did not even know existed!  To this day, no matter what job I have worked at, I have yet to encounter someone with as much legal research knowledge (and joy for the process!) as Jack.  He will be a force wherever he goes next.